Here is the 7-day weather forecast for BASSETLAW & LINCOLNSHIRE from May 28, 2024, to June 3, 2024:
Tuesday, May 28:
- Day: Partly cloudy
- Night: Clear
- High: 21°C
- Low: 10°C
- Wind: Light, up to 5 mph
- Precipitation: 5%
Wednesday, May 29:
- Day: Light showers in the afternoon
- Night: Clear
- High: 18°C
- Low: 13°C
- Wind: South-Southwest, 7-13 mph
- Precipitation: 30% in the evening
Thursday, May 30:
- Day: Light to heavy showers
- Night: Clear
- High: 16°C
- Low: 12°C
- Wind: North-Northwest, 9-11 mph
- Precipitation: 60%
Friday, May 31:
- Day: Partly cloudy with light showers
- Night: Clear
- High: 17°C
- Low: 11°C
- Wind: North-Northwest, 11 mph
- Precipitation: 30%
Saturday, June 1:
- Day: Mostly cloudy
- Night: Clear
- High: 17°C
- Low: 10°C
- Wind: South-Southwest, 7-10 mph
- Precipitation: 10%
Sunday, June 2:
- Day: Mostly sunny
- Night: Clear
- High: 18°C
- Low: 11°C
- Wind: West-Southwest, 10-13 mph
- Precipitation: 5%
Monday, June 3:
- Day: Partly cloudy
- Night: Clear
- High: 19°C
- Low: 12°C
- Wind: Southwest, 8-12 mph
- Precipitation: 10%
This forecast indicates a mix of sunny and cloudy days with occasional light showers, particularly on Wednesday and Thursday. Winds will be generally light to moderate throughout the week.